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Rubber Boas are small snakes commonly found in the western United States up to British Columbia. They are docile creatures that can be difficult to find since they live underground and under plant matter.


Their coloration is perfect for blending in their woodland and coastal scrub habitats. Adult dorsal scale colors vary from tans to olive browns. Ventrally, they are a pale yellow with a clear divide between these colors. Typically their eyes appear gold or yellow (Hoyer, et al. Biology of Rubber Boa Part I)

These boas are a jack of all trades of sorts as they have been seen swimming and climbing trees. Their blunt heads are used to burrow underground. Rubber boas are crepuscular and nocturnal by nature, but they have been seen active in the day (Rodríguez‐Robles, et al. Gape Size)

Rubber boas are extremely docile snakes that prefer to hide rather than exhibit aggressive behavior. Thus, they are often used to help people overcome their fear of snakes. (Animalia)

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